


Saint Paul, Minnesota

AiR Healthcare Solutions is an international provider of disease management and telephonebased care coordination solutions for chronic behavioral health conditions.

Andrew Wainwright founded AiR Healthcare Solutions (AiR) in 2002 with the hope of setting a precedent for helping struggling addicts and their families get well. AiR has evolved over time to address not only substance use disorders, but all behavioral healthrelated illnesses.

Today the organization, while maintaining the legacy business, is delivering a large-scale solution that meets the needs of the new, valuebased, technology-driven healthcare economy.

“DXC Health360, leveraged through the Microsoft cloud, gives us the scalability to assess and risk-stratify larger populations, engage people in need, personalize care plans and effectively deliver the interventions and support that make a lasting difference in the lives and well-being of families”

Jaclyn Wainwright Chief executive officer, AiR

Better patient care


To better care for its patients, AiR’s multidisciplinary team of behavioral health clinicians developed a unique care management process model. It is based on national guidelines and evidence-based practices and is shaped by AiR’s expert opinion.

The model provides protocols for the appropriate diagnosis, effective treatment and management of substance use disorders, mental health disorders, eating disorders and other chronic behavioral health conditions.

“Similar to diabetes or hypertension, patients with behavioral health conditions need to follow a prescribed care plan over a long period of time to see results,” says Jaclyn Wainwright, chief executive officer (CEO), AiR. “Traditionally, behavioral health disorders have been treated using an acute rather than a chronic model of care, which leads to isolated episodes of care, high rates of readmission and poor long-term outcomes.”

AiR’s original SQL database could no longer handle the complex relationships, multiple interactions and sheer volume of information involved with the new care management model. The old system and process posed a risk that follow-up interactions would fall through the cracks, or important data insights might be overlooked.

“For AiR, the future of healthcare is clear. Clinical behavioral health expertise, technology and the ability to harness data will lead the way.”

Jaclyn Wainwright Chief executive officer, AiR

A powerful solution


AiR selected DXC Health360 ™ Care Coordination, a consumer-centered, CRM-powered population health solution built on Microsoft cloud technology and Microsoft Dynamics 365, along with support from DXC Enterprise Applications and SaaS.

“We knew that we needed a powerful solution and technology partner we could rely on that would help us to scale from providing care on an individual basis to managing large populations, without losing the things that made us successful,” says Wainwright. “In addition, we required a solution that would seamlessly integrate with other tools, such as electronic medical records (EMRs). Microsoft technology was an obvious answer.” As a healthcare service provider, cloud security is also important to AiR.

“We’ve seen that the cloud is a safe place to keep information, and vulnerabilities only arise from the ways in which users access information — for example, having weak passwords or downloading information onto a personal computer. Because DXC Health360 is built on Microsoft technology, we didn’t have any security concerns,” Wainwright adds.

Value delivered

Using the new system, AiR is achieving phenomenal results. One of the most impressive achievements is its long-term continuous sobriety outcome: a 12-month continuous abstinence rate of 72 percent compared to the national average of 35 percent.

Leveraging data to make informed decisions


“With DXC Health360, we’ve expanded our reach and our abilities,” says Wainwright. “Before, we were limited in the types of reporting and information that we could query within a system when we were trying to learn insights about a population. It was never clear if what we were doing was meaningful, and why. What’s great about DXC Health360 is that it’s unlimited. Now it’s not just about data collection, but also about leveraging data. We can harness the power of the data in the system and use it to get better and grow.”

Using the new system, AiR is achieving phenomenal results. One of the most impressive achievements is its longterm continuous sobriety outcome: a 12-month continuous abstinence rate of 72 percent compared to the national average of 35 percent.

Each person’s care plan describes the “next best action” for every care team member and service provider, creating a very personal care experience. AiR is now able to improve patient satisfaction and well-being while enabling care team members to help more people with an efficient, modern care coordination platform.

“We knew that we needed a powerful solution and technology partner we could rely on that would help us to scale from providing care on an individual basis to managing large populations, without losing the things that made us successful.”

Jaclyn Wainwright Chief information officer, AiR

AiR’s business has grown to include new comprehensive behavioral health services for large employers and health insurers across the nation.

“As we continue our tradition of clinical innovation, DXC Health360, leveraged through the Microsoft cloud, gives us the scalability to assess and risk-stratify larger populations, engage people in need, personalize care plans and effectively deliver the interventions and support that make a lasting difference in the lives and well-being of families,” Wainwright says.

AiR recently upgraded to the latest version of DXC Health360 and is now able to take advantage of a new assessment tool with a patient stress questionnaire. There is also risk-based scoring, as well as visual indicators, and a library for factors such as suicide risk, pregnancy, recommended abstinence and under-18 status. It’s now easier to see patients at a glance, monitor care plans and receive multilevel alerts.

“For AiR, the future of healthcare is clear. Clinical behavioral health expertise, technology and the ability to harness data will lead the way,” says Wainwright.

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